Scar Skin Care: Best Treatment For Acne Scars

When acne heals incorrectly, the body may develop scar formation. Such types of scars can come in all shapes, sizes, and even colors depending on the layer of skin. Nobody wants deeper scars that will last. Luckily, there is a way to lessen scar damage with many acne scar treatments available. With proper skin care for scars, these acne marks can become less noticeable scars in time and eventually vanish.

What Are Scars?

What are scars? The appearance of scars on human skin is from its natural healing process. When injured, the skin generates new tissue and fills in the gap. Healing too slowly or too fast can result in excess collagen fibers and atypical shapes, leaving a reminder of the original injury that was once there.

What is Acne Scarring?

Acne marks are the leftovers that occur when the pores are blocked, often in the face. Pores become clogged with excess oil, dead cells, and various bacteria. Once filled, the pores swell up and create breakage in the walls of the follicles.

Significant enough acne can lead to lesions on the skin. Scars can also occur if pimples are picked or popped without proper maintenance and cleaning. 

What Scar Warning Signs Are There?

If you’re speculating you suffer from acne scars, look for the warning signs that help indicate if an acne spot will result in a mark.

Here are a few scar warning signs:

  • Pink or red on lighter skin
  • Black blotches on darker skin types

These can be indicative of a chance of scarring. It’s best to avoid picking at acne. This action can result in additional scarring, especially without proper scar skin care.

How Common Are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are not a hereditary condition. However, your genes can influence how prone your skin is to scarring from acne. Some people get more acne marks naturally due to the makeup of their skin and their parents’ experience with acne. The more your parents had, the more likely you are to be at risk for scarring. 

If you think you’re at high risk, be proactive. Prevent acne marks with effective acne treatments as much as possible to reduce scars.

Types of Acne Scars

There are several types of acne scars. Each leaves a different texture on your skin, some more noticeable than others without proper skin care for scars. Acne marks can be atrophic, formed by tissue loss, or hypertrophic, created by excess tissue.

Atrophic Scars

Atrophic scars are a version of injury that heals under the standard surface of the body. These scars can look like pinpricks, large indentations with concise edges, or pushes in the skin with unclear borders.

Cystic acne is the most common cause of atrophic scars. However, other types of acne can also lead to this indented scarring.

Ice-Pick Scars

Ice-pick scars occur with severe acne wounds. When an individual gets a cyst, there is a potential for infection. The infection can lead to the appearance of an ice-pick scar on the cheeks.

Boxcar Scars

Boxcar scars are much wider than ice-pick scars. They create divots in the skin, forming an uneven scar appearance. The marks look like box-shaped holes or circular marks all over the face. They come in a variety of sizes, thin or deep.

Rolling Scars

Rolling scars occur when fibrous strands form between the skin and lower subcutaneous tissue. As a result, the skin takes on a rolling appearance. This look comes to life as the bands pull on the epidermis or the top layer of the skin.

Hypertrophic Scars

Hypertrophic scars are the opposite of atrophic - above the flesh. When skin tries to heal, it may create excess tissue to help the area where the wound appeared. Most often, hypertrophic scars emerge when the scar tissue has built up.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Acne can take a little while to clear. Once it does, you might see a patch of skin that is different from your original skin tone. It might look like a scar, but it’s not. This acne mark is known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation occurs when someone picks or squeezes acne, particularly when severely impacted. If you note this color change, ensure to use sun protection whenever going out. If you do, the colors will eventually go back to normal.

Best Treatment For Acne Scars

It’s critical to note that your skin pigmentation can impact the look of the acne scar treatment. Darker tones are stated to be pretreated with bleaching cream, also known as 4% hydroquinone, before various processes. 

There are many treatment options for acne scars. These can reduce the scar appearance over time. Proper scar skin care with the correct products is critical if you want them to fade.

Salicylic Acid

Most skincare products contain salicylic acid, a natural product that reduces scarring. It also helps remove dirt, debris, and dead skin cells from your pores. If left untreated, these items can cause additional acne marks and later scars.

Salicylic acid can be irritating at first. It’s best to start slow and build to using it multiple times a week.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Alpha Hydroxy Acids, also known as AHAs, are another popular method for healing acne and removing scars. This material removes dead skin cells from the pores and reduces the chance of clogged pores.

There are many products over-the-counter with AHAs inside. You can also ask your doctor for recommendations if you need something more powerful.

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid is another popular choice for treating acne scars. Experts state that lactic acid peels done every two weeks for three months can better the texture, pigmentation, and appearance of scarred skin.

Most drugstores have creams and lotions with this product. It should be clear on the front of the box.


Sunscreen is one of the most valuable items to maintain your skin. It doesn’t matter if you have flawless skin, normal skin, sensitive skin, or scarred skin filled with acne - quality sunscreen is a must.

Some sunscreens are better than others. Ensure you research to determine if your selection is ideal for your skin.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another ideal item for scar healing. The product contains fatty acids, which keep moisture in your skin. Adding coconut oil to your face can also stop new acne breakouts from emerging.


Retinoids are another practical way to work on reducing inflammation and fighting free radicals. Creams are one of the best options for treating acne. According to, retinoids can speed up cell regeneration, smooth skin, make scars less noticeable, and remove discoloration.

It’s possible to find over-the-counter options for retinoids. If you need advanced scar control, you can also ask your doctor to prescribe a stronger product.

Acne Scar Removal Creams

There are many acne scar removal creams available, each serving different purposes. Some work to stop the formation of scars, while others work to make their appearance less noticeable.

Some creams are more expensive than others. Determine what you need and pick a cream based on what your skin desires.


One of the most effective products used for acne scars is tretinoin. This product stimulates collagen production in the scarred skin and increases the cell turnover rate. Your doctor can let you know if this product is right for you.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Another common choice for scarred skin is benzoyl peroxide. This product can reduce inflammation and pushes collagen growth forward in the body. 

Kojic Acid

Kojic acid is a product made from several types of fungi. It’s also a byproduct that appears when some foods ferment. This byproduct enhances the flavor of items like soy sauce and rice wine.

This product is a potent antioxidant. When applied correctly, it can improve the cosmetic appearance of your scars.  

Vitamin C

Products with Vitamin C are effective at lightening pigmented marks and balancing uneven skin tone. They help the body produce more collagen, healing wound surfaces much faster and helping the body regenerate new skin without too much additional effort. 


Collagen is a popular product on the market. It’s a natural protein in the human body. Its job is to keep skin elastic and firm. The older you get, the lower your collagen, causing deep wrinkles on your face.

This protein can keep your skin healthy and prevent acne from forming on your skin. There are many skin products with collagen and even supplements you can intake.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is one of the most common treatments for acne scars. This technique removes the top layer of skin and allows new skin to grow underneath.

This process can be pricey, but it’s an excellent way to give the skin a better appearance. Laser treatment can impact the color and texture of the skin, especially raised portions.  

How To Prevent Acne Scars?

close-up of a healthy, happy person

One of the best ways to recover from scars is to understand how to prevent acne scars in the first place. Being proactive means eating well, exercising, and enjoying an all-around healthy lifestyle. The following are some beneficial tips:

Eat Healthy Foods

Eat healthy foods to keep your body in excellent shape. Include tons of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and dairy products with low-fat levels. The better you eat, the fewer breakouts you will have.

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise is critical to keep your skin in excellent shape. Moving will improve your energy, improve circulation, and assist with your wellness. Try to get at least thirty minutes of movement daily for the best experience.

Maintain a Clean Diet

The cleaner you eat, the less likely you will develop a severe acne breakout. Try foods that are low in saturated fats and high in fiber. If possible, steer clear of fatty junk food and items with tons of sugar.

Protect Your Skin

Sunscreen is an excellent way to keep acne scars at bay. According to experts, sunscreen will limit marks and blend existing ones to your skin, reducing severe contrast. You can also wear protective clothing outdoors to lower the potential of sun damage resulting in scarring.

Use a Good Sunblock

Quality sunblock holds many benefits for your skin. It can reduce sun damage and even slow the aging process. It also stops scars from forming, keeping your skin healthier and longer. Remember to apply it before going outside.

Most drugstores sell affordable, quality sunscreen. Purchase a version with UVA and UVB defense for the best results.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol might taste delicious, but it can have less-than-ideal impacts on your skin. This beverage has a drying effect, raising the risk of developing pimples.

If you drink alcohol and want to fight acne scars, drink no more than two drinks a week. It will benefit your skin and reduce scarring risk.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Acne Scars?

It can be frustrating to experience acne scars. Will they last forever on your skin? Is there a way to remove them and help your skin return to normal, or are you stuck?

Here are three of the most effective ways to remove acne scars:

  • Laser resurfacing
  • Dermabrasion
  • Chemical peels

These can remove them and help the skin look normal once again.

If you don’t want to spend so much money on one of these options, you can always go with a cream or medication. There are options for over-the-counter and prescription versions to deal with acne scars.

How Long Will My Acne Scar Last?

The severity of acne scars plays a huge role in how long they will last. Shallow, small scars can go away within a year. Deeper versions can take multiple years to go back to normal. Some will never go away, though they will fade over time.

Is It Safe To Get Rid Of Acne Scars?

Removing acne scars is entirely safe, no matter which method you use. Follow the directions on creams and medications to avoid using too much. If you choose laser treatment, consult a professional to determine expected side effects and other potential troubles. Most individuals experience little to no side effects

Final Thoughts

Acne scars are common and come in all shapes and forms. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to care for and prevent marks in the future. In time, it’s possible to remove acne scars and help them blend in with the rest of the skin.

If you need help treating your scars, feel free to check out our offerings at ESTAS Beauty. We have plenty of products available to reduce the severity of your scars and help them feel much better.