How to Properly Care for Your Surgery Scar: When is it Safe to Apply Lotion?

If you have undergone any kind of surgery, then you know that your scar can be one of the most difficult things to manage. The healing process is a long and challenging journey, but it isn't all about waiting for the wound to close up; proper care and treatment are also very important in helping your postoperative scar heal faster and become less visible over time!
In this blog post, we will look at how to properly care for your surgery scar, from when it's safe to begin applying lotion or topical medications to what measures should be taken if redness or swelling persists. Make sure you read through the entire post so that you can make an informed decision on how best to tend to your surgical wound!
Should You Put Lotion on a Healing Scar?
Keeping scars moisturized is an important part of the healing process, but the question of whether to put lotion on a healing scar has varied answers depending on a few different factors. Some experts would agree that it's okay to apply an occlusive lotion or ointment to wounds that are still healing, while others might suggest only using certain products specifically formulated to help with hypertrophic and keloid scars.
While experts don't always agree on this issue, any potential benefits one might see from applying a regular lotion are not worth risking further irritation or damage to a wound during the healing process. It’s best to consult with a doctor when dealing with a recent surgery scar or any other type of scar treatment. They can recommend what type of product should be used in what circumstances and offer any additional advice you may need.
When Should You Start Moisturizing a Scar?
Moisturizing a scar is an essential part of wound healing. The wound healing process begins immediately after the wound is sustained and can go on for up to two years; during this time, moisturizing the wound will promote healthy wound healing and reduce hypertrophic — or raised — scarring. Scar creams often contain ingredients that help to soothe and comfort the wound as well as reduce itching and discomfort associated with it.
While you should start using a moisturizer as soon as possible, it's important to select one that's suitable for the type of wound you're trying to heal. Discussing your wound with a doctor or pharmacist is recommended before purchasing any products, as they can advise on suitable options and optimal frequency of application.
How Long After Surgery Can You Moisturize?
When trying to decide how long after surgery you can moisturize, it’s important to consider the type of scar you may end up with. Hypertrophic scars can be caused by several factors, including improper healing, too much movement in the area near the surgery site, or not enough moisture.
However, these types of scars can be minimized when treated properly, which includes moisturizing. After some surgeries, a doctor may suggest topical steroid injections as well. Steroid injections help minimize hypertrophic scarring, but keep in mind that moisturizing is still very important and should not be neglected following surgery. Proper care of your hypertrophic scar is essential for minimizing its appearance.
Is It Better to Keep a Scar Moist or Dry?
Keeping a scar moisturized is key to scar healing and ultimately scar prevention. Making sure your scar is moisturized with non-irritating, fragrance-free lotion creates a barrier that helps keep it slightly hydrated and flexible as it heals. Keeping the scar hydrated allows skin tissue to repair itself faster than if it were left dry, flaky, and exposed. Unlike other parts of our bodies, scar tissue does not have any sweat glands or oil production to keep it moist as normal skin does.
When moisture is lacking from scar tissue, the collagen fibers can become weak, leading to a hardening of the scar. This toughening of the skin can make our scars more visible than before they were originally. In general, the best practice for taking care of your scar is to keep it moisturized, but also make sure it’s protected from too much exposure to environmental elements such as sunlight.
What Cream to Use on Scars After Surgery
After surgery, taking care of your scars is extremely important. Silicone gel is the go-to when it comes to scar healing and management; not only does silicone gel provide a breathable barrier over surgery scars, but it also softens the skin and prevents the infiltration of bacteria.
Since silicone gels are affordable and easy to apply daily, they are a great choice in aiding the scar’s healing process by breaking down the old scar tissue while also forming new healthy layers of skin to replace the old ones. For optimal results, silicone sheets — which provide a more continuous coverage — may be used either alongside silicone gels or on their own. Whatever type of silicone product you decide to use for your surgery scars, make sure to follow the usage instructions for greater effectiveness.
How Do I Keep My Wound Clean?
It is important to keep your wound clean and covered to help it heal properly. To do this, start by washing the area with warm water and mild soap. Rinse it with generous amounts of plain water and dry carefully with a soft towel or gauze. Once the wound is completely dry, cover it with another clean bandage or sterile padding.
During healing, scar tissue can build up around the affected area. To maintain healthy skin and reduce scarring, it is also beneficial to apply moisturizer every day to the scar site. This helps keep the scar moisturized and reduces its discoloration so that it appears more like normal skin when it has healed properly.
Final Thoughts
Depending on your type of surgery, you will want to wait anywhere from one week to six weeks before applying lotion to your scar. You must let your skin heal properly before using any type of moisturizer, as this can help reduce the risk of infection and other complications. If you have any questions about how to care for your scar, be sure to ask your surgeon or another medical professional. In the meantime, follow these tips and give yourself time to heal — your skin will thank you in the long run!